Use the ⚡ vLLM inference engine in Haystack 2.x


Notebook by Stefano Fiorucci

This notebook shows how to use the vLLM inference engine in Haystack 2.x.

Install vLLM + Haystack

  • we install vLLM using pip ( docs)
  • for production use cases, there are many other options, including Docker ( docs)
# we check that CUDA is >=12.1 (
! nvcc --version
! pip install vllm haystack-ai

Run a vLLM OpenAI-compatible server in Colab

vLLM can be deployed as a server that implements the OpenAI API protocol. This allows vLLM to be used as a drop-in replacement for applications using OpenAI API. Read more in the docs.

In Colab, we start the OpenAI-compatible server using Python. For environments that support Docker, we can run the server using Docker ( docs).

Significant parameters:

  • model: TheBloke/notus-7B-v1-AWQ is the AWQ quantized version of a good LLM by Argilla. Several model architectures are supported; models are automatically downloaded from Hugging Face as needed. For a comprehensive list of the supported models, see the docs.

  • quantization: awq. AWQ is a quantization method that allows LLMs to run (fast) when GPU resources are limited. Simple blogpost on quantization techniques

  • max_model_len: we specify a maximum context length, which consists of the maximum number of tokens (prompt + response). Otherwise, the model does not fit in Colab and we get an OOM error.

# we prepend "nohup" and postpend "&" to make the Colab cell run in background
! nohup python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server \
                  --model TheBloke/notus-7B-v1-AWQ \
                  --quantization awq \
                  --max-model-len 2048 \
                  > vllm.log &
# we check the logs until the server has been started correctly
!while ! grep -q "Application startup complete" vllm.log; do tail -n 1 vllm.log; sleep 5; done

Chat with the model using OpenAIChatGenerator

Once we have launched the vLLM-compatible OpenAI server, we can simply initialize an OpenAIChatGenerator pointing to the vLLM server URL and start chatting!

from import OpenAIChatGenerator
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
from haystack.utils import Secret

generator = OpenAIChatGenerator(
    api_key=Secret.from_token("VLLM-PLACEHOLDER-API-KEY"),  # for compatibility with the OpenAI API, a placeholder api_key is needed
    generation_kwargs = {"max_tokens": 512}
messages = []

while True:
  msg = input("Enter your message or Q to exit\n🧑 ")
  if msg=="Q":
  response =
  assistant_resp = response['replies'][0]
  print("🤖 "+assistant_resp.content)