🧩 Quizzes and Adventures 🏰 with Character Codex and llamafile


Let’s build something fun with Character Codex, a newly released dataset featuring popular characters from a wide array of media types and genres…

We’ll be using Haystack for orchestration and llamafile to run our models locally.

We will first build a simple quiz game, in which the user is asked to guess the character based on some clues. Then we will try to get two characters to interact in a chat and maybe even have an adventure together!


Install dependencies

! pip install haystack-ai datasets

Load and look at the Character Codex dataset

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("NousResearch/CharacterCodex", split="train")

Ok, each row of this dataset contains some information about a character. It also includes a creative scenario, which we will not use.

llamafile: download and run the model

For our experiments, we will be using the Llama-3-8B-Instruct model: a small but good language model.

llamafile is a project by Mozilla that simplifies access to LLMs. It wraps both the model and the inference engine in a single executable file.

We will use it to run our model.

llamafile is meant to run on standard computers. We will do some tricks to make it work on Colab. For instructions on how to run it on your PC, check out the docs and Haystack-llamafile integration page.

# download the model
!wget "https://huggingface.co/Mozilla/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-llamafile/resolve/main/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct.Q5_K_M.llamafile"
# make the llamafile executable
! chmod +x Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct.Q5_K_M.llamafile

Running the model - relevant parameters:

  • --server: start an OpenAI-compatible server
  • --nobrowser: do not open the interactive interface in the browser
  • --port: port of the OpenAI-compatible server (in Colab, 8080 is already taken)
  • --n-gpu-layers: offload some layers to GPU for increased performance
  • --ctx-size: size of the prompt context
# we prepend "nohup" and postpend "&" to make the Colab cell run in background
! nohup ./Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct.Q5_K_M.llamafile \
        --server \
        --nobrowser \
        --port 8081 \
        --n-gpu-layers 999 \
        --ctx-size 8192 \
        > llamafile.log &
# we check the logs until the server has been started correctly
!while ! grep -q "llama server listening" llamafile.log; do tail -n 5 llamafile.log; sleep 10; done

Let’s try to interact with the model.

Since the server is OpenAI-compatible, we can use an OpenAIChatGenerator.

from haystack.components.generators.chat import OpenAIChatGenerator
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
from haystack.utils import Secret

generator = OpenAIChatGenerator(
    api_key=Secret.from_token("sk-no-key-required"),  # for compatibility with the OpenAI API, a placeholder api_key is needed
    generation_kwargs = {"max_tokens": 50}

generator.run(messages=[ChatMessage.from_user("How are you?")])

🕵️ Mystery Character Quiz

Now that everything is in place, we can build a simple game in which a random character is selected from the dataset and the LLM is used to create hints for the player.

Hint generation pipeline

This simple pipeline includes a ChatPromptBuilder and a OpenAIChatGenerator.

Thanks to the template messages, we can include the character information in the prompt and also previous hints to avoid duplicate hints.

from haystack import Pipeline
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
from haystack.utils import Secret

from haystack.components.builders import ChatPromptBuilder
from haystack.components.generators.chat import OpenAIChatGenerator

template_messages = [
    ChatMessage.from_system("You are a helpful assistant that gives brief hints about a character, without revealing the character's name."),
    ChatMessage.from_user("""Provide a brief hint (one fact only) for the following character.

                          Use the information provided, before recurring to your own knowledge.
                          Do not repeat previously given hints.

                          {% if previous_hints| length > 0 %}
                            Previous hints:
                          {% endif %}""")

chat_prompt_builder = ChatPromptBuilder(template=template_messages, required_variables=["character"])

generator = OpenAIChatGenerator(
    api_key=Secret.from_token("sk-no-key-required"),  # for compatibility with the OpenAI API, a placeholder api_key is needed
    generation_kwargs = {"max_tokens": 100}

hint_generation_pipeline = Pipeline()
hint_generation_pipeline.add_component("chat_prompt_builder", chat_prompt_builder)
hint_generation_pipeline.add_component("generator", generator)
hint_generation_pipeline.connect("chat_prompt_builder", "generator")

The game

import random


random_character = random.choice(dataset)
# remove the scenario: we do not use it
del random_character["scenario"]

print("🕵️ Guess the character based on the hints!")

previous_hints = []

for hint_number in range(1, MAX_HINTS + 1):
    res = hint_generation_pipeline.run({"character": random_character, "previous_hints": previous_hints})
    hint = res["generator"]["replies"][0].content

    print(f"✨ Hint {hint_number}: {hint}")

    guess = input("Your guess: \nPress Q to quit\n")

    if guess.lower() == 'q':

    print("Guess: ", guess)

    if random_character['character_name'].lower() in guess.lower():
        print("🎉 Congratulations! You guessed it right!")
        print("❌ Wrong guess. Try again.")
    print(f"🙁 Sorry, you've used all the hints. The character was {random_character['character_name']}.")

💬 🤠 Chat Adventures

Let’s try something different now!

Character Codex is a large collection of characters, each with a specific description. Llama 3 8B Instruct is a good model, with some world knowledge.

We can try to combine them to simulate a dialogue and perhaps an adventure involving two different characters (fictional or real).

Character pipeline

Let’s create a character pipeline: ChatPromptBuilder + OpenAIChatGenerator.

This represents the core of our conversational system and will be invoked multiple times with different messages to simulate conversation.

from haystack import Pipeline
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage, ChatRole
from haystack.utils import Secret

from haystack.components.builders import ChatPromptBuilder
from haystack.components.generators.chat import OpenAIChatGenerator

character_pipeline = Pipeline()
character_pipeline.add_component("chat_prompt_builder", ChatPromptBuilder(required_variables=["character_data"]))
character_pipeline.add_component("generator", OpenAIChatGenerator(
    api_key=Secret.from_token("sk-no-key-required"),  # for compatibility with the OpenAI API, a placeholder api_key is needed
    generation_kwargs = {"temperature": 1.5}
character_pipeline.connect("chat_prompt_builder", "generator")


We define the most relevant messages to steer our LLM engine.

  • System message (template): this instructs the Language Model to chat and act as a specific character.

  • Start message: we need to choose an initial message (and a first speaking character) to spin up the conversation.

We also define the invert_roles utility function: for example, we want the first character to see the assistant messages from the second character as user messages, etc.

system_message = ChatMessage.from_system("""You are: {{character_data['character_name']}}.
                                            Description of your character: {{character_data['description']}}.
                                            Stick to your character's personality and engage in a conversation with an unknown person. Don't make long monologues.""")

start_message = ChatMessage.from_user("Hello, who are you?")
from typing import List

def invert_roles(messages: List[ChatMessage]):
    inverted_messages = []
    for message in messages:
        if message.is_from(ChatRole.USER):
        elif message.is_from(ChatRole.ASSISTANT):
    return inverted_messages

The game

It’s time to choose two characters and play.

We choose the popular dancer Fred Astaire and Corporal Dwayne Hicks from the Alien saga.

from rich import print

first_character_data = dataset.filter(lambda x: x["character_name"] == "Fred Astaire")[0]
second_character_data = dataset.filter(lambda x: x["character_name"] == "Corporal Dwayne Hicks")[0]

first_name = first_character_data["character_name"]
second_name = second_character_data["character_name"]

# remove the scenario: we do not use it
del first_character_data["scenario"]
del second_character_data["scenario"]

first_character_messages = [system_message, start_message]
second_character_messages = [system_message]

turn = 1
print(f"{first_name} 🕺: {start_message.content}")

while turn < MAX_TURNS:
    new_message = character_pipeline.run({"template":second_character_messages, "template_variables":{"character_data":second_character_data}})["generator"]["replies"][0]
    print(f"\n\n{second_name} 🪖: {new_message.content}")

    turn += 1

    new_message = character_pipeline.run({"template":first_character_messages, "template_variables":{"character_data":first_character_data}})["generator"]["replies"][0]
    print(f"\n\n{first_name} 🕺: {new_message.content}")

    turn += 1

✨ Looks like a nice result.

Of course, you can select other characters (even randomly) and change the initial message.

The implementation is pretty basic and could be improved in many ways.

📚 Resources

(Notebook by Stefano Fiorucci)