Function Calling with OpenAIChatGenerator

Notebook by Bilge Yucel ( LI & X (Twitter))

A guide to understand function calling and how to use OpenAI function calling feature with Haystack.

📚 Useful Sources:


Here are some use cases of function calling from OpenAI Docs:

  • Create assistants that answer questions by calling external APIs (e.g. like ChatGPT Plugins) e.g. define functions like send_email(to: string, body: string), or get_current_weather(location: string, unit: ‘celsius’ | ‘fahrenheit’)
  • Convert natural language into API calls e.g. convert “Who are my top customers?” to get_customers(min_revenue: int, created_before: string, limit: int) and call your internal API
  • Extract structured data from text e.g. define a function called extract_data(name: string, birthday: string), or sql_query(query: string)

Set up the Development Environment


pip install haystack-ai
import os
from getpass import getpass
from google.colab import userdata

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = userdata.get('OPENAI_API_KEY') or getpass("OPENAI_API_KEY: ")

Learn about the OpenAIChatGenerator

OpenAIChatGenerator is a component that supports the function calling feature of OpenAI.

The way to communicate with OpenAIChatGenerator is through ChatMessage list. Therefore, create a ChatMessage with “USER” role using ChatMessage.from_user() and send it to OpenAIChatGenerator:

from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
from import OpenAIChatGenerator

client = OpenAIChatGenerator()
response =
    [ChatMessage.from_user("What's Natural Language Processing? Be brief.")]

Basic Streaming

OpenAIChatGenerator supports streaming, provide a streaming_callback function and run the client again to see the difference.

from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
from import OpenAIChatGenerator
from haystack.components.generators.utils import print_streaming_chunk

client = OpenAIChatGenerator(streaming_callback=print_streaming_chunk)
response =
    [ChatMessage.from_user("What's Natural Language Processing? Be brief.")]

Function Calling with OpenAIChatGenerator

We’ll try to recreate the example on OpenAI docs.

Define a Function

We’ll define a get_current_weather function that mocks a Weather API call in the response:

def get_current_weather(location: str, unit: str = "celsius"):
  ## Do something
  return {"weather": "sunny", "temperature": 21.8, "unit": unit}

available_functions = {
  "get_current_weather": get_current_weather

Create the tools

We’ll then add information about this function to our tools list by following OpenAI’s tool schema

tools = [
        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "name": "get_current_weather",
            "description": "Get the current weather",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "location": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
                    "unit": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"],
                        "description": "The temperature unit to use. Infer this from the users location.",
                "required": ["location", "unit"],

Run OpenAIChatGenerator with tools

We’ll pass the list of tools in the run() method as generation_kwargs.

Let’s define messages and run the generator:

from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage

messages = []
messages.append(ChatMessage.from_system("Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions. Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous."))
messages.append(ChatMessage.from_user("What's the weather like in Berlin?"))

client = OpenAIChatGenerator(streaming_callback=print_streaming_chunk)
response =

It’s a function call! 📞 The response gives us information about the function name and arguments to use to call that function:


Optionally, add the message with function information to the message list


See how we can extract the function_name and function_args from the message

import json

function_call = json.loads(response["replies"][0].content)[0]
function_name = function_call["function"]["name"]
function_args = json.loads(function_call["function"]["arguments"])
print("function_name:", function_name)
print("function_args:", function_args)

Make a Tool Call

Let’s locate the corresponding function for function_name in our available_functions dictionary and use function_args when calling it. Once we receive the response from the tool, we’ll append it to our messages for later sending to OpenAI.

function_to_call = available_functions[function_name]
function_response = function_to_call(**function_args)
function_message = ChatMessage.from_function(content=json.dumps(function_response), name=function_name)

Make the last call to OpenAI with response coming from the function and see how OpenAI uses the provided information

response =

Improve the Example

Let’s add more tool to our example and improve the user experience 👇

We’ll add one more tool use_haystack_pipeline for OpenAI to use when there’s a question about countries and capitals:

tools = [
        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "name": "get_current_weather",
            "description": "Get the current weather",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "location": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
                    "unit": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"],
                        "description": "The temperature unit to use. Infer this from the users location.",
                "required": ["location", "unit"],
        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "name": "use_haystack_pipeline",
            "description": "Use for search about countries and capitals",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "query": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "The query to use in the search. Infer this from the user's message",
                "required": ["query"]
def get_current_weather(location: str, unit: str = "celsius"):
  return {"weather": "sunny", "temperature": 21.8, "unit": unit}

def use_haystack_pipeline(query: str):
  # It returns a mock response
  return {"documents": "Cutopia is the capital of Utopia", "query": query}

available_functions = {
  "get_current_weather": get_current_weather,
  "use_haystack_pipeline": use_haystack_pipeline,

Start the Application

Have fun having a chat with OpenAI 🎉

Example queries you can try:

  • What’s the capital of Utopia”, “Is it sunny there?”: To test the messages are being recorded and sent
  • What’s the weather like in the capital of Utopia?”: To force two function calls
  • What’s the weather like today?”: To force OpenAI to ask more clarification
import json
from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage, ChatRole

messages = []
messages.append(ChatMessage.from_system("Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions. Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous."))


while True:
  # if this is a tool call
  if response and response["replies"][0].meta["finish_reason"] == 'tool_calls':
    function_calls = json.loads(response["replies"][0].content)
    for function_call in function_calls:
      function_name = function_call["function"]["name"]
      function_to_call = available_functions[function_name]
      function_args = json.loads(function_call["function"]["arguments"])

      function_response = function_to_call(**function_args)
      function_message = ChatMessage.from_function(content=json.dumps(function_response), name=function_name)

  # Regular Conversation
    # If it's not user's first message and there's an assistant message
    if not messages[-1].is_from(ChatRole.SYSTEM):

    user_input = input("INFO: Type 'exit' or 'quit' to stop\n")
    if user_input.lower() == "exit" or user_input.lower() == "quit":

  response =

This part can help you understand the message order

print("\n=== SUMMARY ===")
for m in messages:
  print(f"\n - {m.content}")