๐Ÿ†• Haystack 2.10 with the new Pipeline.run() logic is out! Check out the release notes for all highlights ๐ŸŒŸ

Haystack 2.9.0

โญ๏ธ Highlights

Tool Calling Support

We are introducing the Tool, a simple and unified abstraction for representing tools in Haystack, and the ToolInvoker, which executes tool calls prepared by LLMs. These features make it easy to integrate tool calling into your Haystack pipelines, enabling seamless interaction with tools when used with components like OpenAIChatGenerator and HuggingFaceAPIChatGenerator. Here’s how you can use them:

def dummy_weather_function(city: str):
    return f"The weather in {city} is 20 degrees."

tool = Tool(
    description="A tool to get the weather",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {"city": {"type": "string"}},
      "required": ["city"],

pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline.add_component("llm", OpenAIChatGenerator(model="gpt-4o-mini", tools=[tool]))
pipeline.add_component("tool_invoker", ToolInvoker(tools=[tool]))
pipeline.connect("llm.replies", "tool_invoker.messages")

message = ChatMessage.from_user("How is the weather in Berlin today?")
result = pipeline.run({"llm": {"messages": [message]}})

Use Components as Tools As an abstraction of Tool, ComponentTool allows LLMs to interact directly with components like web search, document processing, or custom user components. It simplifies schema generation and type conversion, making it easy to expose complex component functionality to LLMs.

# Create a tool from the component
tool = ComponentTool(
    component=SerperDevWebSearch(api_key=Secret.from_env_var("SERPERDEV_API_KEY"), top_k=3),
    name="web_search",  # Optional: defaults to "serper_dev_web_search"
    description="Search the web for current information on any topic"  # Optional: defaults to component docstring

New Splitting Method: RecursiveDocumentSplitter

RecursiveDocumentSplitter introduces a smarter way to split text. It uses a set of separators to divide text recursively, starting with the first separator. If chunks are still larger than the specified size, the splitter moves to the next separator in the list. This approach ensures efficient and granular text splitting for improved processing.

from haystack.components.preprocessors import RecursiveDocumentSplitter

splitter = RecursiveDocumentSplitter(split_length=260, split_overlap=0, separators=["\n\n", "\n", ".", " "])
doc_chunks = splitter.run([Document(content="...")])

โš ๏ธ Refactored ChatMessage dataclass

ChatMessage dataclass has been refactored to improve flexibility and compatibility. As part of this update, the content attribute has been removed and replaced with a new text property for accessing the ChatMessage’s textual value. This change ensures future-proofing and better support for features like tool calls and their results. For details on the new API and migration steps, see the ChatMessage documentation. If you have any questions about this refactoring, feel free to let us know in this Github discussion.

โฌ†๏ธ Upgrade Notes

  • The refactoring of the ChatMessage data class includes some breaking changes involving ChatMessage creation and accessing attributes. If you have a Pipeline containing a ChatPromptBuilder, serialized with haystack-ai =< 2.9.0, deserialization may break. For detailed information about the changes and how to migrate, see the ChatMessage documentation.
  • Removed the deprecated converter init argument from PyPDFToDocument. Use other init arguments instead, or create a custom component.
  • The SentenceWindowRetriever output key context_documents now outputs a List[Document] containing the retrieved documents and the context windows ordered by split_idx_start.
  • Update default value of store_full_path to False in converters

๐Ÿš€ New Features

  • Introduced the ComponentTool, a new tool that wraps Haystack components, allowing them to be utilized as tools for LLMs (various ChatGenerators). This ComponentTool supports automatic tool schema generation, input type conversion, and offers support for components with run methods that have input types:

    • Basic types (str, int, float, bool, dict)
    • Dataclasses (both simple and nested structures)
    • Lists of basic types (e.g., List[str])
    • Lists of dataclasses (e.g., List[Document])
    • Parameters with mixed types (e.g., List[Document], str etc.)

    Example usage:

    from haystack import component, Pipeline
    from haystack.tools import ComponentTool
    from haystack.components.websearch import SerperDevWebSearch
    from haystack.utils import Secret
    from haystack.components.tools.tool_invoker import ToolInvoker
    from haystack.components.generators.chat import OpenAIChatGenerator
    from haystack.dataclasses import ChatMessage
    # Create a SerperDev search component
    search = SerperDevWebSearch(api_key=Secret.from_env_var("SERPERDEV_API_KEY"), top_k=3)
    # Create a tool from the component
    tool = ComponentTool(
        name="web_search",  # Optional: defaults to "serper_dev_web_search"
        description="Search the web for current information on any topic"  # Optional: defaults to component docstring
    # Create pipeline with OpenAIChatGenerator and ToolInvoker
    pipeline = Pipeline()
    pipeline.add_component("llm", OpenAIChatGenerator(model="gpt-4o-mini", tools=[tool]))
    pipeline.add_component("tool_invoker", ToolInvoker(tools=[tool]))
    # Connect components
    pipeline.connect("llm.replies", "tool_invoker.messages")
    message = ChatMessage.from_user("Use the web search tool to find information about Nikola Tesla")
    # Run pipeline
    result = pipeline.run({"llm": {"messages": [message]}})
  • Add XLSXToDocument converter that loads an Excel file using Pandas + openpyxl and by default converts each sheet into a separate Document in CSV format.

  • Added a new store_full_path parameter to the __init__ methods of PyPDFToDocument and AzureOCRDocumentConverter. The default value is True, which stores the full file path in the metadata of the output documents. When set to False, only the file name is stored.

  • Add a new experimental component ToolInvoker. This component invokes tools based on tool calls prepared by Language Models and returns the results as a list of ChatMessage objects with tool role.

  • Adding a RecursiveSplitter, which uses a set of separators to split text recursively. It attempts to divide the text using the first separator, and if the resulting chunks are still larger than the specified size, it moves to the next separator in the list.

  • Added a create_tool_from_function function to create a Too instance from a function, with automatic generation of name, description and parameters. Added a tool decorator to achieve the same result.

  • Add support for Tools in the Hugging Face API Chat Generator.

  • Changed the ChatMessage dataclass to support different types of content, including tool calls, and tool call results.

  • Add support for Tools in the OpenAI Chat Generator.

  • Added a new Tool dataclass to represent a tool for which Language Models can prepare calls.

  • Added the component StringJoiner to join strings from different components to a list of strings.

โšก๏ธ Enhancement Notes

  • Added default_headers parameter to AzureOpenAIDocumentEmbedder and AzureOpenAITextEmbedder.

  • Add token argument to NamedEntityExtractor to allow usage of private Hugging Face models.

  • Add the from_openai_dict_format class method to the ChatMessage class. It allows you to create a ChatMessage from a dictionary in the format that OpenAI’s Chat API expects.

  • Add a testing job to check that all packages can be imported successfully. This should help detect several issues, such as forgetting to use a forward reference for a type hint coming from a lazy import.

  • DocumentJoiner methods _concatenate() and _distribution_based_rank_fusion() were converted to static methods.

  • Improve serialization and deserialization of callables. We now allow serialization of class methods and static methods and explicitly prohibit serialization of instance methods, lambdas, and nested functions.

  • Added new initialization parameters to the PyPDFToDocument component to customize the text extraction process from PDF files.

  • Reorganized the document store test suite to isolate dataframe filter tests. This change prepares for potential future deprecation of the Document class’s dataframe field.

  • Move Tool to a new dedicated tools package. Refactor Tool serialization and deserialization to make it more flexible and include type information.

  • The NLTKDocumentSplitter was merged into the DocumentSplitter which now provides the same functionality as the NLTKDocumentSplitter. The split_by="sentence" now uses a custom sentence boundary detection based on the nltk library. The previous sentence behaviour can still be achieved by split_by="period".

  • Improved deserialization of callables by using importlib instead of sys.modules. This change allows importing local functions and classes that are not in sys.modules when deserializing callable.

  • Change OpenAIDocumentEmbedder to keep running if a batch fails embedding. Now OpenAI returns an error we log that error and keep processing following batches.

โš ๏ธ Deprecation Notes

  • The NLTKDocumentSplitter will be deprecated and will be removed in the next release. The DocumentSplitter will instead support the functionality of the NLTKDocumentSplitter.

  • The function role and ChatMessage.from_function class method have been deprecated and will be removed in Haystack 2.10.0. ChatMessage.from_function also attempts to produce a valid tool message. For more information, see the documentation: https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/docs/chatmessage

  • The SentenceWindowRetriever output of context_documents changed. Instead of a List[List[Document], the output is a List[Document], where the documents are ordered by split_idx_start value.

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

  • Add missing stream mime type assignment to the LinkContentFetcher for the single url scenario.

  • Previously, the pipelines that use FileTypeRouter could fail if they received a single URL as an input.

  • OpenAIChatGenerator no longer passes tools to the OpenAI client if none are provided. Previously, a null value was passed. This change improves compatibility with OpenAI-compatible APIs that do not support tools.

  • ByteStream now truncates the data to 100 bytes in the string representation to avoid excessive log output.

  • Make the HuggingFaceLocalChatGenerator compatible with the new ChatMessage format, by converting the messages to the format expected by HuggingFace.

  • Serialize the chat_template parameter.

  • Moved the NLTK download of DocumentSplitter and NLTKDocumentSplitter to warm_up(). This prevents calling to an external API during instantiation. If a DocumentSplitter or NLTKDocumentSplitter is used for sentence splitting outside of a pipeline, warm_up() now needs to be called before running the component.

  • PDFMinerToDocument now creates documents with id based on converted text and metadata. Before, PDFMinerToDocument did not consider the document’s meta field when generating the document’s id.

  • Pin OpenAI client to >=1.56.1 to avoid issues related to changes in the httpx library.

  • PyPDFToDocument now creates documents with id based on converted text and metadata. Before it didn’t take the meta data into account.

  • Fixes issues with deserialization of components in multi-threaded environments.