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Maintained by deepset

Integration: Azure AI Search

Use Azure AI Search with Haystack


Table of Contents


AzureAIDocumentStore supports an integration of Azure AI Search which is an enterprise-ready search and retrieval system with Haystack by deepset.

This integration allows using search indexes in Azure AI Search as a document store to build RAG-based applications on Azure, with native LLM integrations. To retrieve data from the document store, the integration supports three types of retrieval techniques:

  1. Embedding Retrieval: For vector-based searches.
  2. BM25 Retrieval: Keyword retrieval utilizing the BM25 algorithm.
  3. Hybrid Retrieval: A combination of vector and BM25 retrieval methods.


Install the Azure AI Search integration:

pip install "azure-ai-search-haystack"


To use the AzureAISearchDocumentStore, you need to have an active Azure subscription with a deployed Azure AI Search service. You need to provide a search service endpoint as an AZURE_AI_SEARCH_ENDPOINT and an API key as AZURE_AI_SEARCH_API_KEY for authentication. If the API key is not provided, the DefaultAzureCredential will attempt to authenticate you through the browser.

from haystack_integrations.document_stores.azure_ai_search import AzureAISearchDocumentStore
from haystack import Document

document_store = AzureAISearchDocumentStore(
    metadata_fields={"version": float, "label": str},

documents = [
        content="This is an introduction to using Python for data analysis.",
        meta={"version": 1.0, "label": "chapter_one"},
        content="Learn how to use Python libraries for machine learning.",
        meta={"version": 1.5, "label": "chapter_two"},
        content="Advanced Python techniques for data visualization.",
        meta={"version": 2.0, "label": "chapter_three"},

filters = {
    "operator": "AND",
    "conditions": [
        {"field": "meta.version", "operator": ">", "value": 1.2},
        {"field": "meta.label", "operator": "in", "value": ["chapter_one", "chapter_three"]},

results = document_store.filter_documents(filters)

You can supply all supported parameters as index_creation_kwargs for SearchIndex during the initialization of the AzureAISearchDocumentStore to customize index creation. Additionally, the AzureAISearchDocumentStore supports semantic ranking, which can be enabled by including the SemanticSearch configuration in index_creation_kwargs during initialization and utilizing it through one of the retrievers. For further details, refer to the Azure AI tutorial on this feature.